Well, Reggie Jackson wasn’t around in 1940, right? I discovered a new Warren William item for my collection tonight from my favorite vintage movie collectibles dealer when I came upon a stack of some old stock listed in a box under one of my shelves. I found several items that I’ll be listing for sale on eBay this week, one of which being a 1940 McKesson’s Caldendar of the Stars…I thought.
I pulled the first few oversized items to photograph, planning to scan the smaller items later, and it just so happened the 1940 calendar was the first in the batch. Paging through I snapped shots of Jean Parker in January and Betty Grable in July, when I get to October and whose mug should be staring at me:

Mr. October
That took my vintage calendar off the market before it even made it there! Unfortunately the text at the left and right of the photo is just about Libras in general, all we have related to Warren William is his pitch right under the pic:
Warren William, Columbia Star, says–“For bright, sparkling teeth, take a tip from Calox–a great help to thousands of smiles!”
Followed by a Warren William facsimile autograph.
The complete roll call: January – Jean Parker, February – June Lang, March – Anita Louise, April – William Gargan, May – Franciska Gaal, June – Virginia Field, July – Betty Grable, August – Anne Shirley, September – Marjorie Reynolds, October – Warren William, November – Rochelle Hudson, December – Andrea Leeds
Just figured I’d share the latest piece to my WW collection!

Front cover of Calendar of the Stars

Complete October 1940 spread
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