Hi, this blog is attached to the site I’ve just launched, Warren-William.com, which is a brand new fan site dedicated to 30’s and 40’s actor Warren William.
I’ve only posted the first few pages of Warren-William.com this past week and I’m still in cheap jerseys the process of setting up this WordPress blog to offer updates on new Publicznej pages of the site wholesale nfl jerseys and cover interesting Warren William collectibles I may come across.
For now the home page will offer a quick explanation of why I’ve set up Warren-William.com. Besides that growth introduction I’ve also set up a list of William’s films (thanks to the cheap jerseys IMDb) which I plan to cheap nfl jerseys incorporate links to the available DVD’s — this will include sources to tougher to find DVD-R’s of out-of-print movies, basically a collection of links to where I found my copies. I’ve also set up wholesale nba jerseys a link page which I’ve given a little head start, however I hope to add to that as I come across any site which makes prominent Popular mention of Warren William.
As for the future, I’ve recently taken a bunch of notes while watching The Mouthpiece (1932) and plan to turn those into the next page of Warren-William.com. I hope you enjoy the site as it just starts to come together.
Thanks so much for setting up these pages. I saw Warren William in some of the Lone Wolf films on TCM a few months ago, and I was hooked. I thought he looked familiar, and it turns out the only thing I ever saw him in before the Lone Wolf series was Cleopatra (years ago), and I remembered him! That says a lot. What a charming, handsome, intelligent, suave, talented, and sexy man!
I haven’t had a chance to read everything on your web pages thoroughly. You may have already mentioned that there’s a book called “Dangerous Men” by Mick LaSalle which makes mention of William quite a bit. There aren’t many personal details, but some of William’s roles in the 1930s are noted (and lauded) as part of an anti-heroic trend in masculine protagonists of this period in film. Very interesting stuff.
Thanks again. I’ll definitely be checking back in the future.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for checking in and especially thanks for your comment.
The Lone Wolf flicks are a riot, aren’t they? Lanyard’s different hobbies always crack me up, in one he’s a stamp collector, in another he has banks of aquariums on the walls of his apartment. The support in the Lone Wolf movies are generally experienced and excellent character actors as well (be sure to see my post on the Inspector and Dickens too).
Kathy, be on the lookout for airings of “Skyscraper Souls” and “Employees’ Entrance,” you can’t miss these twin gems. I haven’t come across either on TCM in awhile, but they did both get VHS release and you can find bootleg DVD-R copies of them online (try iOffer if you go looking).
I have the LaSalle book, and it’s companion, and do recall there being 4-5 pages on William, not sure if I’ve mentioned them yet or not, but surely will in time. When I started out I had such luck with the newspaper archives, and it was such original material, that I stuck with it, but obviously that well will eventually run dry.
The main part of the site is still pretty small, basically the intro page, a list of credits, and one (very detailed) review. I get a little busy with my other online commitments, so the site will likely grow at a snail’ pace, but I am going to do my best to post new info, photos, etc. to this blog at least 2-3 times per month.
Thanks again, Kathy, hope to see you back,
I’m so happy to find fans of Warren William! I guess it was last spring they must have had him as the star of the month on TCM, because all of a sudden they were showing all kinds of his films. I really had no idea who he was prior to that, but I’m hooked! I haven’t been able to find any biographical books (I don’t think any were ever written), I guess due to the fact he & his wife didn’t have children & she died 3 months after him. It also sounds like they never mixed at all with the Hollywood crowd, so it’s very difficult to find out anything about him as a person. I’ve got my DVR scheduled to record him for September in 4 films on TCM.
Hi Leslie,
Welcome aboard! As inactive as I am in updating this site (I apologize, I really do!) I am glad that it can offer a space for others to share info on Warren William.
Wow, if he was Star of the Month it had to be before my cable company started carrying TCM (which it may have been), but I would have loved to see that!
Which 4 are airing? Curious if they’re showing anything I missed. Oh that’s probably part of Kay Francis month, right, another pre-code WB star.
I’ve got a pretty good collection of Warren William films going, studio release DVDs when available, and sadly burned DVD-R copies when they’re not. I find iOffer a pretty good source for those by the way.
Thanks again, Leslie, you’re more than welcome to come post over here anytime! Hopefully I can get something new up for when you return, but to be honest my other site pays the bills while this one is purely hobby.