These are both from that San Francisco Examiner Archives lot I picked up a few months ago. Actually these are two of my favorite images in the lot, each showing Warren William with one of his beloved wire-haired terriers. I’ve shown Warren William with his dogs before here, but these images are much sharper. Enjoy:

Date stampled on back February 10, 1936, full caption on attached press tag reads as follows:
Warren William, Warner Bros. star recently acclaimed as Hollywood’s expert chicken trainer, has turned his talents to teaching his wirehaired terrier, Jack, unusual tricks. Here they are working on the latest, as Jack sips milk from a bottle through a straw. William says any dog can be taught the trick. He next plans to teach Jack to write his own name on a typewriter.

Date stamped on back October 23, 1938, full caption on attached press tag reads as follows:
“Vote ‘Yes’ on No. 2 for our dogs–they can’t!” is the appeal of Warren William, Hollywood leading man and Tailwagger member, makes to dog owners and dog lovers of California. Proposition No. 2 on the November 8 ballot protects dogs in California pounds.
“Hollywood’s expert chicken trainer”???
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